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Friday, October 11, 2013

Day & Night :)

Where are you, what are you doing?
Thoughts of you have switched my days and nights
I get dizzy, my head spins
Whenever I see you even for a moment
How much more do I have to love for you to know my heart?
How much more time has to pass for you to love me?
Because I always have a lot of tears, because I’m a fool who can’t even speak
My heart hurts
Today feels a bit longer than yesterday
Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing
We can’t meet, just like day and night
My steps sway and I quiet my breath in case you notice
Whenever even my finger tips touch you
How much more do I have to love for you to know my heart?
How much more time has to pass for you to love me?
Because I always have a lot of tears, because I’m a fool who can’t even speak
My heart hurts
Today feels a bit longer than yesterday
Even when tomorrow comes and
I have to look at you from behind alone
I’m still ok with it, I can still be happy
How much more do I have to love for you to know my heart?
How much more time has to pass for you to love me?
Because I always have a lot of tears, because I’m a fool who can’t even speak
My heart hurts
Today feels a bit longer than yesterday

i hope you'll understand the words that i cant tell you. 


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

We Us :)

Assalamualaikum everyone !

Yeaaah, long time no see. and veghy veghy long time also i didnt open this bel0g. 


because im a busy pwincesssss ~

as uolss know *bajet org baca bel0g nie*


let me scream to your ears....


its my semester break !

yeayyyyyyy. but, dont yeayyy too much because the final examination result has not come out yet.

and yet..., im scared of that.

i tell uolss la kan, semester 5 ni penuh dgn cabaran, dugaan, onak berduri, berliku liku rasa nak siku je kan. Ya Allah, stressnyerrr.., Nauzubillah !

But, Alhamdullillah. me and my friends, yes, successfully going through the hardest part in our semester. So, cuti ni agak melegakan sbb dpt lupa kejap nak baca buku, beli mknnan, pi sana pi sini, pi sinunnn. Huhhhh, l0tihnyalahaiii smpai tak sempat pandang kiri kanan kecuali kalau ada yg handsome lalu. 


Kidding .... lalalalaal~

nak carik makanan pun ssh la wa kasi tau lu.

dulu ada cafe Hafa yg setia menanti bebudak Dahlia beli mknn. hamik kauuu, beratur berjela kalau dh pukul 11. andddd, aku turun pukul 10.30 pagiiiii.

FOOD. hungryyy kottttt..

and now, ada cafe baru, Izhaton nama diberi. lepas raya haritu, depa bukak. soooo, we get shooo excited.

tak payah order abg delivery yang lambat dgn alasan nak tonton Cinta Jannah. Motif sgt depa tu. Hantaq makanan pukui 8.30 malam kottttttt..

And masa tu aku dah lapiaqqqqq gila gila bangang dah pny lapaq. kalau depa hantaq pukui 9 mlm, nmpak dah aku makan orang satg. Kui3

and, lepas tu aku tak makan dah yg tempah kat abg delivery ni. dulu memola tempah, okay jaaa, sharp 6.30 ptg hantaq makanan. tppppp, ye laaa, everybody changed. heh :/

aku bersyukur sgt dapat kolej dari Semester satu sampai semester 5. hasil duk tolak berebut tisker *sticker* yg menjadi titik tolak anda utk berjaya mendapat kolej ka tak. Hat tu pun satu yg dirunsingkan. sometimes, the time doesnt match sbb kadang-kadang time aktiviti tu, ada assignment, ada kelas, test dan sebagainya. tp mana boleh bg alasan ye dakkkkk. everything kena pandai manage time.


Jadi, semester 5 nie, aku sgt sgt sgt busy kalah PM kita, jdk aku pegy jugak or wakilkan kawan.

subjek yang buat aku busy is ENT300. hampa mst xtau natang apa ENT tu kan. ENT tu entrepreneurship or keusahawanan. Ya Allah, hampa tauuu, aku nie bukan la minat sgt nk buat akaun akaun nie, mengira pun fail. senang kata aku tak suka subjek mengiraaaaaa. huh..., tolong la kan.

tapi ini subjek and i have to take it and ada final. 3 jam keredit. soooooo, aku and the geng plan nk buat apa utk ENT kitorang. so, pikiaq pny pikiaq pny pikiaq smpai telentang, masuk dlm mimpi, lastly we decided to do Multipurpose 4in1 Mug. haaaaa, kreatip tak hotak kitorang?


and op kos ada yg lagi kreatip dr kitorang laaaaa. HAHA.

tak tidoq malam baq hg buat slide, proposal, full draft dgn akaun nya lagiiii.

Nasib baik aku GM. ahahaha. 

General Manager.

Acts like a Boss. padahai, bila tanya pasai product menggelabah tak tahuwan haih.


andddd, i am veghy veghy thankful to have my friends, means group aku.

Nurul Izzati (Cot), Siti Nur Hidayah (yah), Farah Izzati (paah) and Anis Farhana (aniskpop)


soooo, here we areeeeeeeee...

tadaaaaa, our corporat OOTD.

*outfit of the day*


till then, anyeonggggg.



to be continueddddddddd....